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2001-10-27 - 8:01 a.m.

Yes yes yes ... I know. It's been a long time since I posted. I've been catching up with my yahoo groups (just joined a couple more and jettisoned three that never had posts).

My parents got back from their trip. They drove all over the west and went hiking everywhere. I'm so jealous of their experiences. I went to see them last night and they talked for three straight hours about everything they had seen and, typically for my folks, all of the people they met. My dad especially is such a good old boy. He loves to talk to people and find out about them. They hung out with folks from British Columbia, Houston (met in Washington state), Australia, Scotland, Japan, some men they met on a Navajo reservation, and others. They exchanged addresses and are all sending each other photos and stuff. My dad is probably right now burning a CD full of photos for one of the Navajo men he met in Arizona. He also got offered a job in Oregon by a fellow wood turner. My parents really know how to enjoy travel. They love the quietness and majesty of nature, but they also love their fellow human beings. The older I get the more I respect and am impressed by them.

They have been working for so long and never spending money on themselves. I was so happy to see that they bought themselves all kinds of neat mementoes (sp?) of their trip and to hear that they stayed in nice hotels along the west coast and went on tours, etc. In other words, they spoiled themselves. They were a little embarrassed by that as they talked about the trip, but I just kept saying, "I'm glad you did that. You deserve it. That's what the money is for."

I gave them house news (met with the decorator - la dee da!) and caught them up on all the school news. It was fun.



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